
Key concepts of visual programming

Visual Programming

A type of programming in which programs (scripts) are created by manipulating graphic elements instead of writing text code. When nodes and connections between them are used for this purpose, this type of programming is called node-based. Dynamo and Grasshopper are visual programming environments.


The graphic element that forms the basis of the script in node-based programming. Nodes are connected to each other with wires. A set of correctly connected nodes form a working script.


Autodesk Visual Programming Environment. Allows you to create algorithmic geometry, process data and interact with various Autodesk products (Revit, Civil 3D, Formit, etc.). Presented in several modifications for a particular program. There is also an independent version Dynamo Sandbox, which has all the basic functionality of Dynamo without being tied to any specific product.

Visual Programming Language

The language on which visual programming is performed. Dynamo and Grasshopper can be called visual programming languages.

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